The Retreat Vegetarian and Vegan Café and Tea Rooms
Pot of Tea
Speciality teas:
English Breakfast, Assam, Darjeeling or Earl Grey, Decaffeinated Tea or Rooibos, Lemon and Ginger, Peppermint, Enchinacea & Raspberry, Green Tea, Camomile.

Coffee freshly ground at The Retreat

Caffe Mocha


Soya Cappuccino  

Café Latte   

Soya latte           

Filter coffee

Soya filter       


Decaffeinated filter coffee

Soya decaff        

Hot chocolate

Soya Hot Choc    
Flavours to add to Hot Chocolate or Coffee:

Gingerbread, Vanilla or Caramel

Smoothies made with fresh orange or apple juice

Strawberry and Banana   or    Strawberry and mixed berries

Raspberry and Banana    or    Raspberry and mixed berries

Blueberry and Banana    or    Blueberries and mixed berries

Belvoir Fruit Farm Gently Bubbling Soft Drinks

Pomegranate and Raspberry

Organic Ginger Beer   

Milk shake
(Strawberry, banana or chocolate)
Soft Drinks    

Coke, Diet Coke   

Tango or Seven-Up   

Fruit cordial   

Fresh orange or apple  

Mineral water   
(sparkling or still)

Ice-cream floats   
(Choice of fizzy drink and a scoop of ice-cream :
chocolate, strawberry, vanilla)

Alcohol Drinks

Glass of wine - red or white

Bottled Grolsch lager

Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer

You've had a long walk in the countryside and what could be better than a refreshing drink from this menu?